Thursday, September 06, 2007

Good For Phil!

If you have followed Phil Michelson at all, you know that he is a guy who, since he got married, has taken his marriage vows very seriously and is in fact, a family man. His decision not to play this week is in my estimation a virtuous move on his part. I applaud the fact that he would want to be home and see his kids off to the start of school. It would seem to me that the money in this tournament does not compare to family values.
I have always liked this guy when he first appeared on the scene and I still like him. GO PHIL!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with you. It's great to see that his family is very important to him. It was interesting to see that a few players, including Phil, were upset that the Tour didn't listen to their concerns about the scheduling (7 tournaments in 9 weeks) of the FedEx playoffs.